Monday, December 30, 2013

A Cold Monday

Monday morning was chilly and windy, but sunny at least. We watched that shed. We saw no Mama cat. I could stand it no more. Those babies were cold! A large shoe box lined with a towel would surely help warm them a little bit. I slipped into the shed, gently scooped the kittens up and put them in the box. They snuggled in. They were young. They could stand wobbly and crawl over each other, but they were not walking. They were maybe 3-4 weeks old.

I went back to watching from a distance. No Mama! By 3:00, I was on my way to PetSmart to buy some kitten formula. The poor little things had to be starving by now! The babies did their best to lick the kitten formula from the dropper. They were definitely hungry. It was still so cold outside, but at least I felt a little better knowing they had something to eat.

By dusk, my daughters and I had convinced my husband that we should bring them into the garage for the night since the temperature was supposed to dip below freezing. Surprisingly, he went right down to that shed and brought the box up to the garage.We had just gotten the kittens into the garage and who should appear? Mama cat! She was sitting outside of the shed. The kittens had to go back.

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